Friday, February 5, 2010

My dream

A politicians blood runs in my veins. Ever since I was small i always assumed that being a politicians is fun, I thought that politics was only about debate.But as I grew up I began to learn that politics isnt just about debate. It is about the will to help the people, the will to serve and to work hard to improve the nation. Unfortunately, most politicians these days dont share such a view. Only a handful of them knows the true meaning of fighting for the people of this nation. Most of them think that by raising some popular yet non substancial issues, they will win the support of the people, they are terribly wrong. This weak tactic may work for a while but in the long run when the people notice no developement has been carried out, then they will not vote for the guy and the guy will fall. I dream to be a politician, i dream to empower my countrymen and help devolep the country and usher in a new age for Malaysia. An age of peace where we may live in peace together. An age where developing Malaysia is the main goal and not bickering among each other. This isnt impossible as in the future more and more people will understand the importance of racial unity . I must admit that total fairness is impossible because the truth is this country belongs to our Malay friends. I as a chinese know that my roots are from China and I for one will stake my claim to be a bumiputera where in fact im not. The Malays are the true bumiputera's and that is the cold hard fact. However this does not mean that our lives are miserable here. If you ask the older generation, they will tell you that our lives have improved much compared ro last time.We now have benefits from the government such as free textbooks, free first twelve year education and so on. We must not create racial tension just because the other race have somemore benefits than us, and bloodshed is not the solution. Whatever i said up there are the facts,but that doesnt mean that I will not fight for racial equality, its just more time is needed to do such a big task, I love my people but I will not use that love to provoke other races. I will give and get respect and if there is anyone that wants to harm my people i will defend my own with my last drop of blood. However if my people have means to harm other races who are innocent,  I will not stand aside and I will defend the innocent. A politician should be the defender of the people no matter what race the people they serve maybe. I want to be such a politician and when I die, I want every generation past ,present or future to look up to me and say: That guy is the kind of politician that we want, the kind of politician that we need. Many feel frustrated at the present status of the country but they must know that not every ship that sail faces calm waters. They must hold on to fate because things will change all for the better. That is my dream and altough it may not be easy, but someone has to rise to the challenge and I will work hard in hoping that I would be that someone.

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