Saturday, December 19, 2009

To Australia im goin

By next years end of February you all wont be seeing me already because im going to Australia to further my studies. I dont know whether i should be sad or to be happy. Sad because im leaving everything that i had cared and got used to all this years. Happy on the other hand because I will get to learn new things, meet new people and I truly hope that what i learn I can use it to help develop and make my home country stronger. I am dissapointed with some who say that they dont wanna come home because there are no job here. Well I tell them this: They are losers. If you are good,if you are capable i dont see the reason you cant get a decent job. our contry our mother land is where we are born and it is where we sholud return to. We must develop our motherland and make her flourish so that our children, grandchildren and all the future generation live comfortably and know that we, the warriors of pass fought hard to provide them with the best and pray that they will continue our efforts and see to it that our legacy endures. I however will not be going alone. I have friend good friends, trustworthy friends who will be coming along. Thank Olympus that they are tagging along and im sure we will conquer Australia.