Thursday, February 11, 2010

Touch the poor mans hand

My father once told me about about a story of his friend. The man was a malay and he too was a politician, he once asked his mother how can he succedd in his carrier. His mother being poor once, said" son, go and touch as much poor man hands as you can". I am very lucky to be born in a economically stable family and i guess that is why i do not know what it means to be poor, until yesterday. I was following my father around giving away some goods to the poor as this is the festive year. We came across many old houses but one stuck in my mind particularly well. There was this indian women staying with her daughter in a old almost rotten wooden house yet they were joyful to greet us. I was amazed that they were still able to hold on to happiness despite their current dismayal state. I was touched deeply, touched that i altough had a rather comfortable life never knew how appreciate it. I then finally figured one thing out and that is happiness has to be earned, it cannot be bought no one has the ability to buy real hapiness. After getting on the car, i looked back at them, seeing their happy faces holding the angpau  along with some food we gave them really met my day. If I have the chance, I would want to meet the mother of my father's friend and thank her for the simple advice that she gave to her son. I have touched nearly a hundred poor man's hand that day, and I intend to touch more in the future not for the glory, but for the warmness in my heart after touching it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My dream

A politicians blood runs in my veins. Ever since I was small i always assumed that being a politicians is fun, I thought that politics was only about debate.But as I grew up I began to learn that politics isnt just about debate. It is about the will to help the people, the will to serve and to work hard to improve the nation. Unfortunately, most politicians these days dont share such a view. Only a handful of them knows the true meaning of fighting for the people of this nation. Most of them think that by raising some popular yet non substancial issues, they will win the support of the people, they are terribly wrong. This weak tactic may work for a while but in the long run when the people notice no developement has been carried out, then they will not vote for the guy and the guy will fall. I dream to be a politician, i dream to empower my countrymen and help devolep the country and usher in a new age for Malaysia. An age of peace where we may live in peace together. An age where developing Malaysia is the main goal and not bickering among each other. This isnt impossible as in the future more and more people will understand the importance of racial unity . I must admit that total fairness is impossible because the truth is this country belongs to our Malay friends. I as a chinese know that my roots are from China and I for one will stake my claim to be a bumiputera where in fact im not. The Malays are the true bumiputera's and that is the cold hard fact. However this does not mean that our lives are miserable here. If you ask the older generation, they will tell you that our lives have improved much compared ro last time.We now have benefits from the government such as free textbooks, free first twelve year education and so on. We must not create racial tension just because the other race have somemore benefits than us, and bloodshed is not the solution. Whatever i said up there are the facts,but that doesnt mean that I will not fight for racial equality, its just more time is needed to do such a big task, I love my people but I will not use that love to provoke other races. I will give and get respect and if there is anyone that wants to harm my people i will defend my own with my last drop of blood. However if my people have means to harm other races who are innocent,  I will not stand aside and I will defend the innocent. A politician should be the defender of the people no matter what race the people they serve maybe. I want to be such a politician and when I die, I want every generation past ,present or future to look up to me and say: That guy is the kind of politician that we want, the kind of politician that we need. Many feel frustrated at the present status of the country but they must know that not every ship that sail faces calm waters. They must hold on to fate because things will change all for the better. That is my dream and altough it may not be easy, but someone has to rise to the challenge and I will work hard in hoping that I would be that someone.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Anime. This word has a different meaning to different people. To some it is just a cartoon, to others it may only be a dumb kids show. To me however, this word brings in a whole new meaning. To me anime is a way of life, it is something that illuminates my life, it has the ability to bring out emotions in me that i have never shown before. I watch anime when im happy, when im sad or feeling emotional knowing full well that it will be there for me till worlds end.To me all the shows are the same, from Slam Dunk to Fate Stay Night they all hold a special place in my heart. I will never stop watching anime,not even when the sky cracks or when the ground splits. Anime and i have formed a bond, a bond so strong that nothing can break it and I believe that your bond will only get stronger because we are one

Lessons learnt through life

I has walked this world for seventeen years  and although it may not be a long time i have learnt many lessons throughout this period of time. One of them is to give and get respect. When i was fourteen or fifteen, i was a cocky,proud , pain in the ass boy. Nobody liked me at that time. Then basketball entered my life. The sport has thought me to be humble because i am not the best, it has taught me to give my opponents respect as that respect will be returned, it also has taught me to never back down from any challenge. Through this game i has earned the respect of many and at the same time i never forget to return the rsepect given to me by others. This is so far the most important lesson in my life. The next lesson is the importance of friendship. All my life i believed that i was the greatest, that i need not others in my journey but i was wrong.the say that we only feel the pain after we fall, i tell you this :That is so true. Without my brothers i could not have possibly see through many trials in life. Now i am going to a far off place and a new band of friends will enter my life, friends that im am willing to trust with my life, friends who will fight with me and drink fro the chalice of victory together. Those who say that they can stand alone , i will give them a prophecy, the prophecy is they will fall down in life and they may never get up. The last thing that i have learnt is love, family love and any kind of love. I have grown to love my family especially my father for he is my hero. But that doesnt mean that i dont love i mom and sis, its just that my da has been so much to me. I have also grown to know the true meaning of love. When i was two or three years younger i will always act cool thinking the chicks will dig me, but i was wrong. Love is the most mysterious thing yet it is the most sacred. Love's  gonna conquer it all, this is a very good quote and it is a principle that i am going to apply in life. I am still waiting for that goddess to appear but i promied myself that altough it may take a life time i am willing to wait. This are the lessons i have learnt so far. It has made me wiser, made me more matured but most importanly it has made a better person.